Tuesday, August 14, 2007


So a few weeks ago my chicken and I moved in with my parents. After living in Bellingham for the last 4 years I am sad to go- but also very excited for what lies ahead. I just got a job teaching English at Our Lady Star of the Sea in Bremerton. School starts on September 5th, so I have been very busy getting everything ready. Please keep me and my students in your prayers.

Dymphna has been keeping me very entertained -- just yesterday, my mom fed the cats what we call "the good stuff" which is the canned cat food. Dymphna just marched right up to the dish and started eating with the cats. And guess what--it was chicken and gravy! She seemed to really like it too. Now we have to put the cat food bowls out of reach because she goes in to clean up after the cats are done... I can't believe her.

Here is a video that I took today...

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Haha! That's a great new video. Looks like she's starting to claim her own territory.