Hi everyone! Well, I have not blogged in
hmmm... 6 months! A lot has happened too--namely, that Andrew proposed! I am sure most of my readers already know this- so this news is not new!! We will be getting married this summer on August 9
th. I am very excited! We have been busy getting things in order for the wedding and our life together. I have been so busy with teaching and going to school--but I love coming home to find e-mails from Andrew asking me if I like furniture he found on
craigslist. It is difficult being apart from him during this time, but I also know how quickly time will pass before I will see him every day! (a thought that surely keeps me motivated) With only 113 days until the wedding, I mentally check off each passing day as one less day until I get to be with my best friend all of the time!
Hopefully I will have time to post updates for this grand event. I predict I will be better at blogging after I am married because Andrew will make me =) He has already made a blog for us... so between the two of us, I am sure you will all be provided with regular updates (if Andrew has anything to say about it).
I welcome any advice/tips on wedding planning and married life in general. I hope you are doing well! Please keep us in your prayers as we prepare for this Sacrament!
Blessings to you.

This is my ring- Andrew did a
very good job ;)